Health Impact Assessment

Environmental Justice

The Alliance has partnered with the Louisiana Public Health Institute to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) to study the health effects of the various energy generation options for New Orleans.

​Entergy New Orleans’ Michoud plant, located in New Orleans East neighborhood, is aging and moving toward retirement. Through funding by the Health Impact Project, a program of Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we are working with a variety of stakeholders to create a transparent and engaging process to gain a better understanding of how energy generation in our city affects the health of our citizens.

​Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a valuable tool to help guide conversations about issues that may affect public health, that might not otherwise take these issues into account. It includes unintended impacts and community engagement to ensure all stakeholders affected by an issue are given a voice.

Louisiana Public Health Institute and the Alliance for Affordable Energy held an HIA training session, inviting decision makers and community members to learn about the HIA process. This assessment focuses on the eventual decommissioning of Entergy New Orleans’ Michoud power plant, a natural gas plant built in the 1960s, and the siting of Michoud and any potential replacement of the power from Michoud that may have potential health effects to the communities nearby.

This space will serve as a landing page for the HIA process, housing documents created to discuss the HIA. Updates will be made regularly.

Training Session Documents
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