New Orleans is getting Energy Smart-er

Energy Efficiency
Utility Regulation
New Orleans City Council
Entergy New Orleans
Bills & Economics

Exciting news for New Orleans Energy Efficiency!

The City Council Utility Committee has approved robust and growing efficiency programs for the next three years.

In December, Entergy New Orleans submitted its plan for Energy Smart to the NOLA City Council. The plan laid out two scenarios:

  1. stick to the Council’s efficiency targets, set back in 2015
  2. or even MORE savings!

​And the Council chose Scenario 2.

This is big news!

Three years ago Entergy argued the targets were impossible, but here we are in 2020 and not only are they able to fulfill the targets they are able to go even farther to reduce energy waste.

Why the Turnaround?

It’s all in the planning. Resource planning that is. Every three years Entergy does an Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process to consider what their resources should look like over the next two decades. The process includes the Council’s advisors, staff, and other stakeholders. Typically utilities include in these plans their own report on how much efficiency is possible.

In this year’s cycle, however, the Council decided to hire a consultant who was independent from Entergy to find out how much energy waste we could eliminate, and to include that information in the IRP. This report showed that New Orleans could save millions of dollars and kilowatt hours and could exceed the existing targets.

The Council chose the more robust scenario at their February 13th Utility Committee meeting. We supported Scenario 2, to ramp up the benefits from even more efficiency across the city.

These programs save money, make homes healthier and more comfortable, are creating jobs, and are reducing our city’s carbon footprint.
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