Well that is MISO, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, and regional transmission organization (RTO) for this whole region – and they will be in New Orleans this month! MISO is responsible for planning a reliable electric grid across 15 states.
We in Louisiana are well aware of how important it is to have a reliable electric grid. Hurricane Ida and more recently, Winter Storm Elliott, were rude reminders about how important reliability is. Louisiana citizens are ready for a reliable electric grid that will keep the lights on, and provide access to renewable energy.
Louisiana is long overdue for a modernized electricity grid. Planning and building the electric grid for the needs of the 21st century will not be an easy task, but engineers and other thought leaders are currently hard at work to plan a more reliable, affordable energy grid.
During this week MISO will hold their quarterly Board of Directors meeting, where a variety of individuals that have a stake in MISO’s efforts will come together to hear about the organization’s plans, and speak to MISO representatives directly. MISO board members rarely hear from individuals and grassroots organizations outside the formal stakeholder process. However on March 23rd, during the open comment period, there is an excellent opportunity to uplift your and your community’s voices!