Good news! LPSC doubles Energy Efficiency Quick Start program budget!

Energy Efficiency
Louisiana Public Service Commission
Entergy Louisiana
Cooperative Utilities
Bills & Economics
The Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) has come into focus over the past week or so, namely around a proposed withdrawal from MISO and the enormous costs associated with storm damage, but there was also a pretty significant win that you may have missed.

As we will continue to say, the LPSC needs to prioritize finalizing the Energy Efficiency rules, recognizing that we are now entering Program Year 8 of the Quick Start program, the Commission did approve the program extension BUT WITH DOUBLE THE BUDGET!

The original Quick Start rules, passed in 2013 limited utility spending to 0.50% of the utility’s 2012 retail revenues. For Entergy Louisiana, that amounted to $8.5 million in 2019, which served an estimated 94,000 customers including 461 low-income customers and 28 multi-family, residential building upgrades. We’re excited to see the impacts of such a budget increase!

While this is a considerable victory, we still need to push the Commission to finalize long-term energy efficiency rules, with energy savings goals. While I’m a big fan of spending money, the goal is to save energy and reduce demand in order to lower utility bills for all of us and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. So call your Commissioner and thank him for increasing the energy efficiency budget, but also let him know that we still have work to do!

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