The Alliance Calls for Extension of Entergy New Orleans Shutoff Moratorium

Consumer Protection
New Orleans City Council
Entergy New Orleans

On Friday, October 28, 2022 the Alliance for Affordable Energy and Delta Audubon sent a letter to the New Orleans City Council calling on the Council to extend the service shut off moratorium for Entergy New Orleans (ENO) residential customers set to expire on Tuesday, November 1.

20,000 accounts are at risk of disconnection. That is, tens of thousands of children and elders who will be left in the cold and the dark on this Council’s watch, unless you act on behalf of your constituents.

Telling vulnerable people to rely on ENO’s subpar customer service to apply for a three or four month deferred payment option is not a solution. At best, it is kicking the can down the road, as methane, or natural gas prices remain high and ENO has applied for approximately $170M in costs related to Hurricane Ida that will drive up bills even further.

While the moratorium is set to expire, Entergy New Orleans (ENO) announced on Friday, October 28 that it raised quarterly dividend payments to shareholders by 6%. The City cannot abide any more loss of life due to Entergy’s greed and negligence – justice demands it.​

Read Our Letter

We know now that 20,000 accounts are at risk of disconnection. Even assuming each account represents only one person – and that number is almost assuredly higher – that is still tens of thousands of New Orleanians who face disconnection of service just as the weather is beginning to turn colder. That is, tens of thousands of children and elders who will be left in the cold and the dark on this Council’s watch, unless you act on behalf of your constituents. Telling vulnerable people to rely on ENO’s subpar customer service to apply for a three or four month deferred payment option is not a solution – the City cannot abide any more loss of life due to Entergy’s greed and negligence.
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