Good news out of this morning’s B&E: We’re one step closer to Energy Efficiency Rules!

Energy Efficiency
Utility Regulation
Louisiana Public Service Commission
Entergy Louisiana
Cooperative Utilities

The Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) acted this morning on our request to release the draft Energy Efficiency Rule which Stakeholders have been refining for years, marking a significant step towards finalizing long-term robust energy efficiency programs for all Louisianans.

After years of stakeholder collaboration to develop long-term Energy Efficiency rules, an attempt was made to circumvent the rulemaking process with the introduction of a completely different energy efficiency program that would not be subject to an evaluation and verification process, and lack transparency. We commend the LPSC for seeing through the attempted diversion, committing themselves to the established rulemaking process, and moving forward with the progress Stakeholders have made in this proceeding.​ The draft rule is to be released May 26, 2023 with an expected Commission vote at either the September 2023 or October 2023 Business and Executive Session of the LPSC.

While we have not seen the new draft rule, we are optimistic that it will build off of successful energy efficiency programs in other jurisdictions, include transparent and verifiable metrics for efficiency evaluation and be inclusive for all LPSC jurisdictional electric customers. Between May and September, the Commission will accept comments, and The Alliance will continue to advocate for programs that reduce energy waste and save all Louisianans money.

Compared to electric sales, Entergy Louisiana delivered just 0.10% efficiency savings in 2021 compared to Entergy Arkansas at 1.68%, Entergy New Orleans at 1.2%, and the national average at 0.68%. Entergy Arkansas has saved its customers over $1 Billion in net-benefits, meaning total benefits after costs have been subtracted, from 2015-2022. Entergy Arkansas is about half the size of Entergy Louisiana, suggesting Entergy Louisiana could be saving approximately $250 Million per year from robust energy efficiency programs.

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