Express Your Interest in Becoming an AAE Board Member

Consumer Protection
AAE Events

Do you care about rising energy bills throughout the state of Louisiana? Do you want to make sure that people’s access to power is protected after hurricanes and during major heat waves? Are you interested in learning more and advocating for sustainable solutions like solar and wind power?

The Alliance for Affordable Energy is here to promote the interest of everyone with an energy bill in Louisiana.

We work to advocate for consumers in front of the Louisiana Public Service Commission and New Orleans City Council. Through legal processes, advocacy, and strong alliances, our work helps require utility companies to make good choices that benefit consumers across Louisiana.

We are searching for board members throughout the State of Louisiana who believe in these principles. ​​

Use the button below to fill out our board member application. Filling out the form below does not require you to become a board member, nor does it require The Alliance to appoint you as a board member. We will select a number of respondents for further dialogue. All respondents will begin receiving the AAE newsletter with the most up-to-date information about events, issues, and how to get involved with our work across the state.

Thank you for your interest in AAE!

Apply to be an Alliance Board Member

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