Submit comments before the DEQ meeting on the air permit for the Magnolia Power Gas Plant!

Louisiana Public Service Commission
Public Comment Opportunities

Submit comments! The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) just held a hearing on the air permit for the Magnolia Power Gas Plant.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard. This proposed plant is yet another polluting facility in an area already inundated with large industry facilities.

​Comments are due by 4:30pm (CT) on Monday, January 31st.

The proposed fracked gas power plant threatens the health of nearby communities and contradicts the climate goals of Governor Edwards because it will release more than 2.5 million tons of greenhouse gases every year.

What’s worse? The Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) fails to fully identify the potential and real adverse effects from the proposed plant on the surrounding community and on communities of color in particular.

The EAS also fails to discuss mitigation efforts on vulnerable populations in the neighboring community or to prevent damage to the potentially high volume of historical and cultural artifacts and sites found within the proposed property.

In its filings to the Louisiana Public Service Company, Magnolia Power has represented that it intends to co-burn hydrogen at the new power plant. LDEQ’s proposed air permit, however, does not mention or evaluate the impacts of additional hydrogen infrastructure. Specifically, hydrogen can corrode existing gas pipeline infrastructure and the permit does not evaluate the potential for pipeline leaks or accidental releases. Moreover, hydrogen produced by burning fossil fuels can itself increase pollution.

Submit comments now! Make your voice heard! #Power4People
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