Alexandra Miller

Alexandra Miller


Alexandra Miller is a Principal at Asakura Robinson Company, an urban planning and landscape architecture firm, where she leads the New Orleans office. Alex is an urban planner who specializes in planning for community revitalization and economic development. Her work focuses on economic and social empowerment of communities that helps residents shape their own urban environments. She has extensive experience in community and land-use planning, real estate development, blight reduction strategies, and community engagement. Alex leads Asakura Robinson’s economic and community development sector, working with clients and stakeholders to create economic policies, programs, and projects that benefit communities socially and environmentally.

Her portfolio includes affordable housing strategies, career pathways studies, revitalization plans, commercial corridor analyses, and other projects designed to ensure that all populations realize opportunity within changing environments. As a former public opinion research professional, she also maintains a special focus on research-based projects that inform planning and design work across sectors. Before coming to Asakura Robinson, she worked for Crescent City Community Land Trust to develop permanently affordable housing in New Orleans, and founded her own consulting firm, Miller Urban Consulting. Alex holds a BA in Anthropology from Northwestern University and a Master of Urban Planning from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.