

ENO Application to Stay in MISO

Application of Entergy New Orleans, Inc. regarding continued participation in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO). MISO is a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). ​There are 7 organizations across the country that perform similar functions as MISO. They exist for the express purpose of providing more competition and consumer focused planning and operation of the grid – which utilities in their territories may not otherwise provide. ​

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MISO integrated Entergy’s service territory covering Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas and Mississippi in December of 2013 to alleviate concerns expressed by the Department of Justice regarding anticompetitive transmission planning and power generation dispatch on behalf of Entergy corporation.

MISO coordinates the dispatch of the most affordable power generating resources to meet the demand for electricity across 11 states. It also independently assess the transmission grid for upgrades needed to deliver electricity to consumers more affordably, reliably and efficiently.​

Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc (MISO)