Following recent extreme weather events in Louisiana, Commission staff was directed to open two rulemakings, including R-36226, to evaluate the status of our electric infrastructure including maintenance and whether more could have been done for Louisiana customers. Similarly, R-36227 will look into resiliency and the possibility of hardening our grid for future storms.
Following recent extreme weather events in Louisiana, Commission staff was directed to open two rulemakings, including R-36226, to evaluate the status of our electric infrastructure including maintenance and whether more could have been done for Louisiana customers. Similarly, R-36227 will look into resiliency and the possibility of hardening our grid for future storms.
SWEPCO’s application for authorization to install advanced meters. SWEPCO will replace old meters that are no longer manufactured and/or in need of replacement and install up to 12,000 Advanced Meter System (AMS) meters, commonly referred to as Smart Meters. This advanced technology allows customers to better track their energy usage.
Cleco & SWEPCO are decommissioning the Oxbow Mine, a lignite mine in Northern Louisiana. Both utilities have jointly filed an application to recover costs associated with the closure from ratepayers.
Entergy is looking to extend and modify its' Formula Rate Plan (FRP), which determines how much Entergy Louisiana can charge customers for service. The Alliance is working to ensure any rate changes the LPSC approves are fair and for the benefit of ratepayers.
This docket serves as an opportunity to have a more robust conversation regarding energy regulation. Should Louisiana move to full retail choice for all customer classes, what mandates shall be placed on utilities to divest of generation? Further, should utilities have an obligation to meet defined goals to reduce demand in an effort to mitigate costs?
SWEPCO has applied for a modification to their rates charged to customers.
Green Tariffs can work really well and have multiple benefits including incorporating more renewable energy into the grid, attracting more commercial businesses, while keeping costs low. The Alliance is intervening in this docket to ensure the LPSC considers the best practices in Green Tariff development and that they implement them with an inclusive and attractive policy.
This docket was opened in response to the record low temperatures that occurred in MISO South during the week of January 15, 2018 and the emergency procedures utilized to manage the projected loads.
In this docket the LPSC will work with stakeholders to develop and decide how to implement long-term energy efficiency programs in Louisiana. This proceeding will decide if programs are mandatory or voluntary for utilities to offer their customers, whether or not low income programs are specifically included, and will likely include an energy savings goal among other things. The Alliance is in full support of mandatory programs, with a low-income carve out and an aggressive energy savings goal.